Multiple roles can be stressful at times for a parent in college.
I have experienced a very stressful week. I am in the home stretch of completing the fall semester and all of the sudden my daughter has gotten involved in a few time consuming extra circular activities. One of which is very exciting, she auditioned last week for acting and was accepted to attend acting classes and a manager audition. We are all thrilled, but the day she has to be at these classes is the day I do a great deal of my homework. My husband works usually seven days a week so I can get my education without working full time. So that leaves me having to get her back and forth to these classes for the next 5 weeks. Also I need to make a resume for her and find a photographer to take a head shot of her. My daughter is also involved in preparing for a Christmas concert for both band and chorus and is also trying out for the school wrestling team.
I am definitely feeling the pressure because my school work load is especially full now and it is certainly a priority in my life. Just trying to coordinate all of these extra events has drained me mentally. I am on edge and anxious recently because I have to fit everything in. I am finding it odd that I can keep it all together. I assume it is my motivation to be successful academically and to be a caring parent. I am very proud of my daughter and want her to experience everything she can but at the same time I want to succeed with my education.
I have proceeded in research in regards to this issue and found that it is indeed psychological distress in balancing both as a student and a parent. I found an interesting fact that in comparison of male and female nontraditional students, females tend to underestimate their abilities and lack self confidence of succeeding in college. This alone can affect performance and adjustment to college. I can see this being accurate because I tend to always underestimate my abilities. Balancing different roles affects my self confidence.
Continuous support from family, friends and college professors help tremendously with my confidence levels. I have gathered through research that support from external sources is an important element in decreasing stress and to gain well-being. Nontraditional students who do receive support tend to be satisfied in the student role and functions better mentally.
An interesting point I found was that there has been plenty of research on nontraditional students adapting to school and personal well being but to date no studies have been done directly involving female nontraditional students with children. This is a misfortune that studies are vague in this population because the number of nontraditional female students is growing rapidly. Studies being done in this area would be beneficial to counselors in college to help relate to the growing number of mothers enrolling with the desire for higher education.
However there has been ample research done regarding women in college married with children and it is concluded that this group can manage the dual roles because their lives are generally more stable and fulfilled. I do believe this because even though I get stressed out at times, I am overall happy and fulfilled with my life and my decision to go to college. With that said; stability and fulfillment in one’s life often leads to greater self confidence and psychological stress is at a minimum resulting in academic success.
Works Cited
Quimby, J., (2006). Predictors of well-being among nontraditional female students with children. Journal of Counseling & Development, 84(4), 451. Retrieved October 22, 2010 from MasterFILE Premier database.
Image retrieved November 11, 2010. Google Images.
Image retrieved November 11, 2010. Google Images. WWW
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